Monday, November 17, 2008

I thought I would jump in and let anyone who stumbles onto this blog I am still alive, just have to find the time to add things.
Maybe one day I will find the time to do all I want to accomplish.
Have a blest day.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Well here I am again...I know if anyone reads this and looks at the history of my postings they will probably lose interest... I am hopefully going to have a go at this one more time..
I have a pif to achieve.. And also, I want to get more active in the blogging of my interest and activities. I will be posting some pictures of things made by my own hands.
I am self taught in everything except crochet.. I can thank my dear grandma for that. She was a blessing to me as a child.
So without further ado.. I will go and get busy... I am already to give this my all.
Have a blessed day..

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I have just gotten back in and everytime I have tried I couldn't get the account to recognize my password... Go Figure... I have never changed it from the beginning of it all. lol.. Anyways I hope I am back for good this time and I will have to really get busy to get things caught up.

With that out of the way I have found a new project.. To celebrate her first year of blogging Lynette Anderson has designed a mini stitchery wall hanging for anyone who would like to do so.
She will release a new block monthly, no specific date for the next year. It will be somewhere around 12x16 according to how you finish it up. So go on over and check it out.
I have already done the first 2 and look forward to the rest.
Thanks for being so kind Lynette.
I will be uploading pictures as soon as I get them onto the pc.
Have a blessed day!
Hugs, Tina

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I finally have been able to come back to It wouldn't let me in.. I tried and tried. Anyways. I see I have had a couple of comments and sorry it has been months but I had no control over getting in here..
Thanks if you should return and know that I am truly sorry.
As for the question... I don't have a embroidery machine.. I did the freestyle needlepainting by hand. I outlined the hummingbird and filled him in. I kinda followed the idea of the vine( hummingbird vine) and added the flowers after I was happy with the vine.
I hope now I can be allowed by google to log in and post and hopefully now I can comment on some of the blogs I visit... There are so many wonderful sites out there to see and still many more I am hoping to find.
Blessings and happy needling.