Sunday, June 28, 2009

No new news... I am just trying to keep my habits from keeping me away from blogging.. I am working on another carved wooden Bitty for a friend. He is slowly getting done.
I am also planning some activities with a travel doll who is visiting this week. I will be sure to post photo's as soon as any are taken and uploaded.
I have been looking around blogland and have seen some very talented work by others. I enjoy seeing all the things people have made. If only I would be a little disciplined I might be able to get more done.. RL keeps grabbing me and refusing to turn loose.
I am off now to see what I can get into too..
Have a wonderful evening, Tina

Monday, June 01, 2009

Just an update.. No new photo's, I have been so bad lately, not working on anything..
I have several things in the idea department, but they have yet to be started. I want to make a witch and her home, a fairy and her woodsy home and need to work on the Gypsy caravan and also Rock Bottom Hitty's home.. I have the house almost finished but have a little more to do on the outside.. Mostly they need the rest of their furnishings. I will get my groove back and get started again..
I have wandered around blog land the past few weeks and have seen quite a bit of talent out there.
I want to learn more on how to put links on the side of the page and maybe get a different layout for the blog here. I am not so quick to learn computer stuff.. Maybe if it were in a miniature layout, I would be able to gain that knowledge more quickly. Oh well good thing I have a teenage son who will help me get there..
Have a wonderful day.