Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I finally have been able to come back to It wouldn't let me in.. I tried and tried. Anyways. I see I have had a couple of comments and sorry it has been months but I had no control over getting in here..
Thanks if you should return and know that I am truly sorry.
As for the question... I don't have a embroidery machine.. I did the freestyle needlepainting by hand. I outlined the hummingbird and filled him in. I kinda followed the idea of the vine( hummingbird vine) and added the flowers after I was happy with the vine.
I hope now I can be allowed by google to log in and post and hopefully now I can comment on some of the blogs I visit... There are so many wonderful sites out there to see and still many more I am hoping to find.
Blessings and happy needling.